Commit your life to Christ now and get saved! Pray the following prayer aloud and mean it with all your heart:
Almighty God, I come before you just as I am – a sinner. I repent of my sinful lifestyle - please forgive me of my sin.
I believe that you sent your Son Jesus Christ to die in my stead to pay for my sins. I also believe that you raised Him from the dead on the third day.
Right now, I open the door of my heart and invite Jesus to come in. Lord Jesus, please come into my heart now. I receive you as my personal Lord and Saviour. Make me a child of God and give me the power to live the rest of my life for you.
Based on your word, I believe I am now forgiven; I am now saved. I am now born again and on my way to heaven.
Thank you my heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, amen.
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Are Heaven And Hell Real?
Some people tend to think that this is a matter of individual opinions – that if you think there is heaven and hell, then there are but if you think they do not exist, then they don't. That is nothing but a deception!
That reminds me of one my teachers way back in the college who said she did not believe that witches are real. According to her, if you believe they are real, then they become real to you but if you believe they are not real, then they don't exist and they can never do anything to you.
As young as I was then, I knew she was very wrong and each time I remembered her philosophical position on the matter, I couldn't help but laugh at such ludicrous stance. She probably took that stance because it made her feel comfortable but she was wrong nevertheless.
The reality of heaven and hell is not a matter of opinions but a matter of truth. It is either the truth is that they are real or that they are not. This is too important a subject to be left to mere guess work or ideological and philosophical postulations. There are far reaching consequences associated with whatever position we choose to take.
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